JavaScript Stack Data Structure

May 08, 2020

jarednielsen javascript data structures stack

At some point in your career (today?!) you will want to learn data structures. It’s not just to ace the technical interview and land your dream job. Learning data structures will help you understand how software works and improve your problem-solving skills. In this tutorial, you will implement the stack data structure in JavaScript.

What is a Stack?

A stack is similar to an array with one significant difference: elements are only accessible from one end, the top. This means we can’t randomly access elements. We can add elements to the stack and we can remove elements from the stack. But if we want to access an element mid-way in the stack, you guessed it, we need to pop the elements above it off the stack.

The classic analogies for the stack data structure are plates or cafeteria trays. In a cafeteria, when you line up to be served, you take a tray off the top of a stack of trays. You take one tray and only one tray. When dirty trays are washed they are put on top of the stack.

Your browser history is another analogy. Say you Google ‘stack’ and find yourself at the Wikipedia disambiguation page. You click Stack (abstract data type) and read a bit about stacks in the context of computer science, confirming what you just read above. But what’s an abstract data type?

Down the rabbit hole! 🐇🕳

Several hours later you’re reading Barbara Liskov’s thesis, A Program to Play Chess End Games, with no recollection of how you got there. Luckily, you can retrace your history with your browser. By clicking the back button, you are popping pages off the stack!

LIFO: Last In, First Out

LIke people on an elevator, the dynamic of a stack is also referred to as Last In First Out, or LIFO.

Stack Operations

wikipedia stack diagram

There are three primary operations for a stack, the first two are essential:

  • pop

  • push

  • peek

Both pop and push will be familiar to you from working with arrays and intuitive when thinking about stacks, especially using the cafeteria tray analogy.

What is peek?

The peek operation allows us to view the value in the element on the top of the stack.

Why do we need a peek operation?

The pop operation permanently removes an element from the top of the stack. The peek operation lets us peek at the value without popping it off.

What else?

Depending on the implementation, there may be the following:

  • top

  • clear

  • length

  • empty

The top property is a counter variable, letting you know the height of the stack.

The clear method does just that, it clears the stack.

The length is somewhat redundant with the top property. It returns the length of the stack.

The empty method, or isEmpty, returns a boolean value if the stack is or is not empty.

What Problem(s) Does a Stack Data Structure Solve?

  • Stacks are fast because data can only be added and removed from the top

  • Stacks are useful when we want the constraints of LIFO, such as backtracking

Stack Data Structures in JavaScript

Unless you’ve got a lot of interviews on your calendar, it’s not every day that you’ll consciously implement a stack. But as a JavaScript developer, an understanding of stacks will help you understand how JavaScript itself works.

Let’s implement a stack!

We can simply implement a stack using an Array and its built-in methods:

const stack = [];
stack.push("Last in!");
const firstOut = stack.pop();


Not impressed? We can also declare a class:

class Stack {
 constructor() { = []; = 0;
  push(element) {
   return[] = element;
  peek() {
   return[ - 1];
  pop() {
const stack = new Stack();
stack.push("First in!");
stack.push("Last in!");
const firstOut = stack.pop(); // "Last in!"
const peekABoo = stack.peek(); // "First in!"

If you’re not a fan of sugary syntax, we can also implement our stack using prototype:

const Stack = function() { = []; = 0;

Stack.prototype.push = function(element) {
  return[] = element;

Stack.prototype.pop = function(element) {

Stack.prototype.peek = function(element) {
   return[ - 1];

Big O & Stack Data Structures

What is the order of a stack?

Regardless of the size of the stack, the time complexity for the push() and pop() methods is constant. We perform one operation when adding or removing an element from the stack. If we need to search the stack or access a buried element, then it’s O(n). The space complexity is straightforward, pun intended: O(n).

JavaScript Stack Data Structures

In this tutorial, you learned the stack data structure in JavaScript.

There are several classic and common interview questions using stacks, including:

  • Tower of Hanoi

  • Check for balanced parentheses

  • Evaluation of postfix expressions

In the next tutorial, we’ll learn how to Convert Decimals to Base Using a Stack. Stay tuned!

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