Data Structures in JavaScript: Tree Search

October 16, 2020

jarednielsen data structure tree

At some point in your career (today?!) you will want to learn data structures. It’s not just to ace the technical interview and land your dream job. Learning data structures will help you understand how software works and improve your problem-solving skills. In this tutorial, you will implement minimum, maximum, and specific value searches of a tree data structure in JavaScript.

Retrieval Practice

  • What is a tree?

  • What is tree traversal?

  • What are the three types of traversal?

What is a Tree?

The tree is a data structure composed of nodes connected by edges. In The Art of Computer Programming, Donald Knuth provides a recursive definition of trees:

  1. there is one specially designated node called the root of the tree, root(T); and…

  2. the remaining nodes (excluding the root) are partitioned into m >= 0 disjoint sets T1… ™, and each of these sets in turn is a tree.

What is Tree Traversal?

According to Wikipedia, tree traversal (AKA walking the tree) is:

refers to the process of visiting (checking and/or updating) each node in a tree data structure, exactly once.

What Are The Three Types of Traversal?

There are three standard functions for traversing a tree:

  • in-order

  • pre-order

  • post-order

Each of these is considered depth-first search, or DFS, because we traverse a branch to its furthest depth before moving on to the next branch. This is in contrast to breadth-first search, or BFS, which, you guessed it, traverses all of the nodes on a level before going deeper into the tree.

What Problem(s) Do Trees Solve?

  • Binary trees are chosen over other more primary data structures because you can search a binary tree very quickly (as opposed to a linked list, for example) and you can quickly insert and delete data from a binary tree (as opposed to an array).

Implementation of a Binary Search Tree Data Structure in JavaScript

Below is our implementation of a binary search tree in JavaScript. If you are just joining us, you may want to start with the previous article JavaScript Tree Data Structure.

class Node {
    constructor(data, left, right) { = data;
      this.left = left || null;
      this.right = right || null;

class Tree {
    constructor() {
      this.root = null;

    insert(data) {
        const node = new Node(data, null, null);

        if (this.root === null) {
        this.root = node;

        let current = this.root;
        let parent;

        while(current) {
        parent = current;
            if (data <= {
                current = current.left;
                if (current === null) {
                parent.left = node;
            } else {
                current = current.right;
                if (current === null) {
                parent.right = node;

const tree = new Tree();

If we log our tree, we get:

Tree {
  root: Node {
    data: 64,
    left: Node { data: 0, left: null, right: [Node] },
    right: Node { data: 127, left: null, right: [Node] }

Tree Search

There are three standard approaches for searching a Binary Search Tree. They are:

  • minimum value

  • maximum value

  • specific value

Let’s implement each of these approaches to tree search.

Tree Search: Minimum Value

If we know that lower values are stored in branches to the left, how do we implement a search for a minimum value?


We traverse the branches on the left until we reach the terminal node.

We declare our searchMin() method:

    searchMin() {

If we’re searching all the nodes on the left, we need a starting point. We also need a way to remember which node we are currently checking. Hmmm…

    searchMin() {
        let current = this.root;

What do we know about functions? They return. What do we want to return? Data.

    searchMin() {
        let current = this.root;


What control statement allows us to repeat a process until a condition is met?


Let’s do it!

    searchMin() {
        let current = this.root;

        while () {
            // what?

While what? Until there are no nodes left to search.

    searchMin() {
        let current = this.root;

        while (current.left !== null) {
            // what?

What are we doing while we are searching? If the current node is not the terminal node, we need to keep searching. So we reassign the value of current to current.left:

    searchMin() {
        let current = this.root;

        while (current.left !== null) {
            current = current.left;

If we run searchMin(), it will traverse all of the left-most nodes and return the value stored in the leaf, or terminal node, in that branch.

Tree Search: Maximum Value

Implementing a search for the maximum value in a BST is simply a matter of modifying our searchMin() function to traverse the nodes on the right.

    searchMax() {
        let current = this.root;

        while (current.right !== null) {
            current = current.right;

If we run searchMax(), it will traverse all of the right-most nodes and return the value stored in the leaf, or terminal node, in that branch.

Tree Search: Specific Value

If we’re searching for a speciic value, what do we need to do? We need to check all of the values, left and right (until we find our node, of course). Our specific tree search function will look the following:

    searchSpecific(data) {
        let current = this.root;

        while( !== data) {
            if (data < {
                current = current.left;
            else {
                current = current.right;
            if (current === null) { 
                return null;
        return current;

What’s happening in searchSpecific? Let’s break it down…

We declare a temporary variable, current and assign it our starting point, this.root.

        let current = this.root;

We then enter our while loop. While is not equal to data, the argument we passed to searchSpecific, we will continue to traverse our tree until we find the specific value. Once we find the node containing our data, we’ll return it. So our function looks something like this:

    searchSpecific(data) {
        let current = this.root;

        while( !== data) {
            //find that data!
        return current;

Here’s where pattern recognition comes in to play. How do we implement the functionality of both searchMax() and searchMin()?

If data is less than, then we need to continue traversing the nodes on the left. Otherwise, we traverse the nodes on the right. What does that look like?

            if (data < {
                current = current.left;
            else {
                current = current.right;

The last bit is, well, the last bit. We need to exit our while loop in the event that we don’t find a node containing the data we are looking for.

            if (current === null) { 
                return null;

Here’s the full function again:

    searchSpecific(data) {
        let current = this.root;

        while( !== data) {
            if (data < {
                current = current.left;
            else {
                current = current.right;
            if (current === null) { 
                return null;
        return current;

Big O & Tree Data Structures

The access, search, insertion, and deletion methods of a binary search tree are all O(n) due to the use of iteration. Average case, though, is O(log n) because we are continually dividing our operations as we execute a method.

Learn JavaScript Tree Data Structure

In this tutorial you learned how to implement minimum, maximum and specific values searches of a tree data structure in JavaScript. We’re not done, though. In the next tutorial we’ll implement node removal.

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